Service Choice is changing its name to Evergreen Lawn & Pest Control! Same great service, same great quality! Providing the best in lawn and pest control services near you.

As the summer heat begins to subside, and the days grow shorter, fall arrives in Florida, bringing a welcome relief from scorching temperatures. While fall may not bring the colorful foliage seen in other parts of the country, it does bring its own set of challenges to Florida lawns. Here are the most common fall threats to Florida lawns to look out for, so you can maintain a vibrant and healthy lawn through the autumn months.

Fungal Diseases

With the increase in humidity and occasional rainfall during the fall season, fungal diseases become a significant threat to Florida lawns. Diseases like brown patch and dollar spot can quickly take hold, leaving unsightly brown patches on your grass. To prevent fungal diseases, avoid overwatering, improve air circulation, and use a well-balanced fertilizer.

Learn More: 5 Ways to Care for a Florida Lawn in the Fall


Weeds are a year-round nuisance in Florida, but they can become particularly problematic in the fall. Weeds like crabgrass and broadleaf weeds thrive in the cooler temperatures of autumn. Regularly mow your lawn to keep weeds in check and consider applying a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent weed growth.

Chinch Bugs

Chinch bugs are notorious for damaging Florida lawns during the fall. These tiny insects feed on grass, causing yellow and brown patches. Keep an eye out for signs of chinch bug infestation, such as discolored grass and a strong, unpleasant odor. Treating your lawn with insecticides specifically designed for chinch bugs can help control their population.

Learn More: 5 Tips to Avoid Chinch Bug Lawn Damage

Dry Spells

While fall typically brings relief from the summer rains, it can also bring dry spells. Inconsistent rainfall can lead to drought stress in your lawn. To combat this threat, ensure your lawn receives adequate water by using a sprinkler system or a soaker hose. Water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth.

Thatch Buildup

Thatch is a layer of dead grass and organic matter that accumulates on the soil’s surface. Fall is a prime time for thatch buildup due to the falling leaves and increased grass clippings. A thick thatch layer can hinder water and nutrient absorption by the roots. Regular dethatching with a specialized machine or by hiring a professional lawn care service can help maintain a healthy lawn.

Leaf Accumulation

While the rest of the country enjoys the colorful display of falling leaves, Floridians must contend with the potential harm they can cause to their lawns. Leaves left on the lawn can smother the grass, block sunlight, and create a breeding ground for pests and diseases. To mitigate this threat, regularly rake or use a leaf blower to remove fallen leaves from your lawn.

Lawn Scalping

In the quest to prepare lawns for fall, some homeowners make the mistake of scalping their grass, cutting it too short. This practice can damage the grass and make it more susceptible to pests and diseases. Instead, adjust your mower blades to the appropriate height for your grass type and only remove a third of the grass blade at a time.


While it’s essential to feed your lawn, overfertilization can harm your grass. Fall is not the time for excessive fertilization, as it can stimulate new growth that may not have time to harden before winter. Follow a balanced fertilization schedule and consider soil testing to determine your lawn’s specific nutrient needs.

Get Your Lawn Ready for Fall

In the face of the common fall threats that can challenge your Florida lawn, you don’t have to go it alone. Service Choice of South Florida is here to support homeowners in addressing these issues head-on. From tackling fungal diseases to combating pesky pests like chinch bugs, ensuring balanced and appropriate fertilization to applying pre-emergent weed treatments, our expert team is dedicated to preparing your lawn for the fall season and beyond. Call us today at (954) 568-9955 for your free lawn care evaluation!

Roaches, those unwelcome guests in our homes, are not only a nuisance to humans but can also pose potential threats to our furry family members—pets. In sunny West Palm Beach, roaches thrive in the warm climate. It’s essential to understand the risks they may bring to your pets. Keep reading to learn about the dangers of a roach infestation when it comes to your pets.

Are Roaches Harmful to Pets?

Roaches carry various diseases and allergens that are harmful to both humans and pets. While the mere presence of roaches in your home may not immediately harm your pets, the risks arise from the indirect consequences of their presence:

  • Allergens: Roach droppings, saliva, and shed skin contain allergenic proteins that can trigger allergic reactions in some pets. Breathing in these particles can cause or exacerbate respiratory problems in pets with preexisting conditions. Common symptoms include itching, sneezing, coughing, and skin rashes.
  • Disease Transmission: Roaches can carry pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites. When your pets encounter contaminated surfaces or ingest a roach, they’re at risk of contracting diseases ranging from mild gastrointestinal issues to more severe illnesses.
  • Toxic Substances: Roaches feed on just about anything, including decaying matter, trash, and even pet food. If your pet eats food that’s been contaminated by roaches, they may ingest harmful bacteria or toxins.

Learn More: Can One Roach Cause an Infestation?

Why Choose Service Choice of West Palm Beach for Pest Control?

Now that we’ve established the potential dangers of roaches to your pets, it’s crucial to take action to protect your furry friends. Service Choice of West Palm Beach is your trusted partner in pest control, offering several compelling reasons to choose us:

  • Expertise: Our team of professionals has extensive knowledge and experience in dealing with roach infestations. We understand the unique challenges posed by Florida’s climate and pests.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: We offer comprehensive pest control solutions tailored to your specific needs. Our services cover both indoor and outdoor areas, ensuring that your entire property is protected.
  • Pet-Friendly Approach: We prioritize the safety of your pets and family. Our treatments are designed to be effective against pests while minimizing any risks to your beloved animals.
  • Preventative Measures: We don’t just eliminate existing infestations; we also implement preventative measures to keep roaches and other pests from returning.

Learn More: Do Florida Cockroaches Carry Diseases?

Service Choice Is Dedicated to Protecting Your Family, Including Your Pets

Roaches are more than just a nuisance. They pose health risks to your pets and family. Choosing the right pest control service is essential for safeguarding your loved ones.

Service Choice of West Palm Beach understands the unique challenges posed by roaches and offers effective, pet-friendly solutions. We prioritize the safety and well-being of your furry family members by ensuring a pest-free home. Call us today at (561) 734-9269 to schedule your free pest inspection!

As the summer heat gradually subsides and the leaves begin to change color in other parts of the country, Florida residents have a different kind of fall season to look forward to. While the state may not experience the same dramatic shifts in temperature, fall is still an important time for lawn care in the Sunshine State. To help you maintain a lush and healthy lawn during the fall months, here are five essential tips.

Rethink Your Watering Schedule

Fall often comes as a relief to Floridians as temperatures get more mild and rain subsides. With this in mind, it’s crucial to adjust your lawn’s watering schedule. Overwatering can lead to fungal diseases, so it’s best to water deeply but less frequently. Aim for about 1 inch of water per week, either through natural rainfall or irrigation. Remember to water your lawn early in the morning to minimize evaporation and prevent the growth of fungi.

Learn More: What Issues Can Overwatering Your Lawn Cause?

Keep Mowing, but Adjust the Height

Grass is still growing in full force in the fall in Florida, so you need to keep mowing your lawn even as temperatures cool. But don’t forget to adjust the cutting height on your mower. Raise the blades to a height of about 2.5 to 3 inches so that the grass can develop deeper roots, making it more resilient to drought and pests. Additionally, taller grass shades the soil, reducing weed growth. Regular mowing during the fall ensures your lawn stays neat and healthy.

Aerate Your Lawn

Aerating your lawn in the fall is a critical step in maintaining its health. Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the roots more effectively. This process helps to relieve soil compaction and promotes a healthier root system. Consider renting an aerator or hiring a professional lawn care service like Service Choice of South Florida to ensure this task is done correctly.

Fertilize Wisely

Fall is just one of the times of year when it’s important to fertilize your lawn. But most homeowners don’t know what fertilizer to use, or when and how to apply it. Rather than leaving it to guesswork, reach out to the lawn care experts at Service Choice of South Florida. We understand how to properly fertilize your lawn in the fall, so it can prepare your turf for the cooler months ahead. You can rest assured your grass will get all the nutrients it needs to thrive, without promoting excessive growth.

Get Pests and Disease Under Control

Fall can be a vulnerable time for your Florida lawn when it comes to pests and diseases. Keep a close eye on your lawn for signs of trouble, such as brown patches, grubs, or chinch bugs. Contact a professional lawn care service like Service Choice of South Florida for top-tier pest and disease control solutions. Our expertise extends to pest prevention, disease management, and ensuring your lawn remains pest-free throughout the fall season.

Learn More: How Do You Treat Sod Webworms in Florida?

Call Service Choice of South Florida and Enjoy a Healthy Lawn This Fall and Beyond

Caring for your Florida lawn in the fall involves making some specific adjustments, from watering to mowing, and it can be tricky to get it all just right. Reach out to the lawn care pros at Service Choice of South Florida for expert guidance, so your lawn can thrive this fall and beyond. Call us today at (954) 568-9955 to schedule your free lawn care evaluation.

A lush, green lawn is the pride of any Florida homeowner, but it can quickly turn into a source of frustration when brown patches appear. The lawn disease brown patch fungus is one common culprit for these unsightly blemishes. Here’s what you should do if you’re dealing with brown patch fungus.

What is Brown Patch Fungus?

Brown patch fungus is a common fungal disease that affects lawns in various climates, including the warm and humid conditions of West Palm Beach, Florida. This disease typically appears during periods of high humidity and warm temperatures, such as the summer and early fall months. It manifests as circular or irregular-shaped brown patches in your lawn, ranging from a few inches to several feet in diameter.

The brown patches are often surrounded by a dark ring or “smoke ring,” which is a distinctive feature of this disease. The affected grass blades within these patches may wither, become water-soaked, and eventually die. Brown patch fungus primarily affects cool-season grasses like St. Augustine and ryegrass but can also target warm-season varieties.

Learn More: How Do I Know if My Yard Has a Disease?

Preventing Brown Patch Fungus

Prevention is key when it comes to brown patch fungus, and avoiding overwatering can reduce the chance of it forming in your lawn. Excess moisture creates the ideal environment for fungal growth, so it’s important to manage your watering practices effectively. Here are some brown patch fungus prevention tips:

  • Water Early in the Morning: Water your lawn in the early morning hours to allow the grass to dry quickly in the sunlight, preventing prolonged moisture on the blades.
  • Avoid Frequent, Light Watering: Deep and infrequent watering is better than shallow, frequent watering. This encourages deep root growth and reduces the surface moisture that fungi thrive on.
  • Improve Lawn Aeration: Aerating your lawn helps improve air circulation, reducing moisture retention and the risk of brown patch fungus.
  • Choose Disease-Resistant Grass Varieties: When planting or reseeding your lawn, opt for grass varieties known for their resistance to brown patch fungus.
  • Proper Fertilization: Avoid excessive nitrogen fertilization, which can promote fungal growth. Use a balanced fertilizer and follow recommended application rates.

Learn More: Our Top Watering Tips for a Healthy Lawn

Treating Brown Patch Fungus with Service Choice of West Palm Beach

If you suspect your lawn is suffering from brown patch fungus, it’s essential to address it promptly to prevent further damage. While there are fungicides available for DIY treatments, the best course of action is to enlist the help of professionals like Service Choice of West Palm Beach.

Service Choice’s lawn care experts have the knowledge and experience to diagnose and effectively treat brown patch fungus. We’ll tailor a treatment plan to your specific lawn and its unique needs, ensuring that the disease is eradicated once and for all. With our expertise, you can enjoy lush, green turf again without the worry of brown patch fungus recurring. Call us today at (561) 734-9269 to schedule your free lawn evaluation!