Service Choice is changing its name to Evergreen Lawn & Pest Control! Same great service, same great quality! Providing the best in lawn and pest control services near you.

Maintaining a healthy lawn is crucial for any homeowner. It adds to the overall aesthetic appeal, boosts property value, and provides a great outdoor space for relaxation. Many homeowners tend to overdo it when it comes to watering, mistakenly thinking their lawn needs an extra drink to stay healthy and green. Overwatering can do more harm than good, leading to a myriad of issues that affect the health and appearance of your lawn. Keep reading to uncover the problems of overwatering your lawn and how to avoid them.

Root Rot

One of the main problems associated with overwatering your lawn is root rot. When the soil is continually watered, it becomes waterlogged, and the roots are unable to absorb oxygen, leading to decay. Root rot can cause the death of your lawn, leaving it with brown patches and a weak root system. To avoid root rot, ensure that you water your lawn deeply but infrequently. A good rule of thumb is to water for around 30 minutes per watering session, two to three times per week.

Fungal Diseases

Fungi thrive in wet environments, and overwatering your lawn creates the ideal conditions for their growth. Fungal diseases manifest as yellow, brown, or white spots on your lawn. They can also lead to the formation of powdery mildew, which looks like a white, powdery substance on the blades of grass. To prevent fungal diseases, avoid watering your lawn during the evening as it prolongs the wetness of the soil overnight.

Pest Infestations

Overwatering creates an environment that attracts insect pests, such as mosquitoes and grubs. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, which is commonly found in overwatered lawns. Grubs, on the other hand, thrive in moist soils and feed on the grass’ roots. These pests can damage your lawn, leading to brown patches and possible death of the grass. Avoid pest infestations by making sure that you water your lawn as required and remove any standing water to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds.

Nutrient Leaching

When you overwater your lawn, the excess water sweeps away the essential nutrients in the soil, leaving your lawn malnourished. Nutrient leaching leads to weak grass that is susceptible to disease and pest infestations. To prevent nutrient leaching, ensure that you water your grass slowly or install a sprinkler system that gradually releases water to the soil.

Turn to Service Choice to Get Your Lawn in Shape

When it comes to watering your lawn, make sure you don’t overdo it. It’s best to water your lawn deeply but infrequently and avoid watering in the mornings. Need help getting your lawn in shape? At Service Choice of South Florida, we offer professional lawn care services to help maintain a healthy and beautiful lawn. Contact us today at (954) 568-9955 to get your lawn looking its best!

Ft. Lauderdale residents are familiar with the devastating effect of storms and hurricanes. The aftermath can be overwhelming, especially when you have to clean up debris scattered in your yard. Knowing how to clean your yard after experiencing severe weather is essential. Fortunately, with the proper information and tools, you can tidy up your lawn quickly and safely. Here’s how to clean your yard after a severe storm.

Put Safety First

Before you dive into cleaning your yard, prioritize your safety. Check for any downed power lines, standing water, or hazardous materials in your yard. Be cautious when using any power tools to clean, wear gloves and sturdy shoes, and avoid overexerting yourself. If there’s extensive damage to your yard, consider reaching out to a professional crew for assistance.

Assess the Damage

Once you’ve ensured your safety, it’s time to survey the extent of the damage. Identify any trees that may have fallen and assess whether any large branches are still hanging or posing a risk to your yard. You should also inspect the lawn for any damage, to be sure there aren’t any dips or uneven areas, which could turn into a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other pests.

Remove Storm Debris

The next step is to clean up the debris scattered all over your yard. Begin by picking up any loose items like toys, lawn chairs, and potted plants. Use a rake or leaf blower to gather small debris like dead leaves, twigs, and branches. For the larger tree branches, use a chainsaw or handsaw to trim the branches into smaller pieces, then gather them in a large pile. Once you have all the debris together, haul it away using a wheelbarrow or pitchfork.

Tend to Your Lawn

After removing all the debris from your yard, it’s time to tend to your lawn. Clear the lawn of any remaining debris that may be lingering beneath it. If there are any bald patches, use a rake to loosen the soil and plant fresh grass seeds in it. If you’re unsure about how to revive your lawn, it’s best to call in lawn care experts like the team at Service Choice.

Regular Maintenance

The aftermath of a severe storm can put a significant strain on your yard. The best way to keep your yard healthy is by performing regular maintenance. Regular maintenance includes keeping your lawn trimmed, removing any weeds that may grow, and watering your plants regularly. This will keep your yard in tip-top shape and ensure that it can withstand future severe weather conditions.

Get Your Yard Back in Excellent Shape in No Time

Cleaning up your yard after a storm can be daunting, but with the right tools, guidance, and professionals by your side, the process can be manageable. Reach out to Service Choice of Ft. Lauderdale for assistance in getting your lawn in excellent shape. From getting your turf lush and green again to protecting the health of your ornamental shrubs and trees, we do it all. Your yard will be looking its best in no time! Call us at (954) 568-9955 for your free consultation.