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It’s a beautiful day, and you’re excited to relax in your cozy home- only to find that there are black houseflies buzzing around. We all know how annoying these pesky little insects can be, and they can even cause health problems if left unchecked. Here’s the good news: getting rid of them isn’t as hard as it may seem. Here are some effective ways to get rid of black houseflies in your home—for good!

Clear Up Any Food and Garbage

Black houseflies are attracted to rotten food, garbage, feces, and other forms of waste. Make sure you clear out the garbage regularly, preferably using airtight bins with covers. Clean any leftover food remnants from countertops, floors, dishes, and sinks. This will eliminate the flies’ food source, thus making it less appealing for them to stay.

Eliminate Standing Water

Standing water is the perfect breeding ground for black houseflies, so any water left in potted plants, sinks, or even in the bottom of your refrigerator is fair game. Check any leaky pipes and faucets in your home. Empty any plant saucers and dishes after watering and make sure they drain completely. Mop up any puddles quickly and air-dry any wet clothes.

Use Natural Repellants

Black houseflies are known to be repelled by the scent of certain essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender. You can use these oils in a diffuser or spray bottle to create a natural fly repellent. You can also plant herbs like basil, mint, and rosemary in your garden or pots as another natural deterrent.

Other natural repellants can also discourage houseflies from making themselves at home in your house. For instance, a mix of apple cider vinegar and dish soap works great as a trap for these pesky pests.

Cover Up Openings

One of the most effective ways to control black housefly populations in your home is to eliminate their entry points. You should fill any holes, gaps, or cracks in your home’s walls, windows, and doors with caulk or glue. Replace any damaged screens. You can also use weatherstripping around all doors and windows to seal any cracks or gaps. Doing so may not only help prevent flies from entering but also keep your home cooler.

Call Your Pest Control Experts

Black houseflies are resilient. If you truly want to get rid of these nuisance and unsanitary pests for good, you can’t go wrong when you hire a professional pest control company. Service Choice of Oakland Park specializes in black housefly control. We’re trained and experienced in identifying the species and location of the housefly infestation, which enables them to come up with the best strategy to get rid of the flies completely. Call us today at (954) 568-9955 for your free pest control evaluation!

Palm trees add beauty and majesty to any Florida landscape, but it’s important to remember these hardy trees aren’t immune to pests and diseases. One of the nuisance pests that can wreak havoc on palm trees is the whitefly—and it’s a pest that’s common throughout South Florida. Read on to learn how these tiny insects can cause major damage to your palm trees, and what you should do if you have a whitefly infestation.

Weakening the Tree

Whiteflies feed on the sap of palm trees, piercing the leaves and extracting vital nutrients. As they continue to feed, the tree’s nutrient supply is depleted, resulting in weakened foliage and an overall decline in health. The constant extraction of sap weakens the palm tree’s ability to photosynthesize effectively, hampering its growth and vitality. Over time, the weakened tree becomes susceptible to other pests and diseases, further exacerbating its decline.

Yellowing and Browning of Leaves

One of the most visible signs of whitefly infestation is the yellowing and browning of palm tree leaves. As whiteflies feed on the leaves, they inject toxic saliva into the plant, which disrupts the flow of nutrients. This interruption in nutrient supply causes the leaves to lose their green color, turning yellow and eventually brown. If left untreated, the infestation can spread rapidly, leading to defoliation and significant damage to the palm tree’s aesthetic appeal.

Creating Honeydew and Sooty Mold

Whiteflies excrete a sticky substance called honeydew, which falls onto the leaves and surrounding areas. This honeydew attracts other pests, such as ants, and creates an ideal environment for the growth of sooty mold. Sooty mold appears as a black, powdery coating on the surface of leaves, inhibiting photosynthesis and further weakening the tree. The combination of honeydew and sooty mold can significantly impact the overall health and appearance of the palm tree.

Transmitting Plant Diseases

Whiteflies can act as vectors for various plant diseases, including lethal yellowing and Texas Phoenix Palm Decline. These diseases can cause irreversible damage and even death to palm trees. When whiteflies feed on infected plants, they pick up the pathogens responsible for these diseases. As they move from tree to tree, they transmit these pathogens, spreading the diseases throughout the palm population. Early detection and proper management of whiteflies are crucial to prevent the transmission of these devastating diseases.

Stunting Growth and Reducing Longevity

Persistent whitefly infestations can lead to stunted growth and reduced longevity of palm trees. As the pests continue to feed on the tree’s sap and disrupt nutrient flow, the overall growth rate of the tree slows down. Stunted growth affects the tree’s ability to develop a strong trunk and canopy, making it more susceptible to wind damage and other environmental stressors. Ultimately, if left untreated, a severely infested palm tree may face premature death.

Get Control of Whiteflies Right Away

If whiteflies have made themselves at home on the palm trees and ornamental plants in your garden, don’t wait for them to do more damage. Service Choice of South Florida is one of the few pest control and tree care companies that understands how to take care of whiteflies once and for all. Call us today at (954) 568-9955 to say goodbye to whiteflies for good!

Shrubs are the unsung heroes of any landscape. They provide a beautiful backdrop for flowers, add texture to the garden, and serve as a natural fence. But like everything in life, shrubs need a little TLC to thrive, especially in Florida. Florida’s weather conditions can be challenging for plant life, and unless you are proactive about their care, your shrubs can quickly go from beautiful and thriving to dull and struggling. Read on to learn our top tips for taking care of shrubs in Florida’s unique climate.


Proper watering is crucial to the health of your shrubs. In Florida, the heat can be intense, and shrubs can quickly dry out. The best time to water your shrubs is early in the morning or late in the afternoon when the sun is not too intense.

During the dry season, ensure that your shrubs have deep watering at least once a week. This encourages deep rooting, which ensures that the plant can access water even during prolonged dry spells. Avoid frequent, shallow watering, as this discourages deep rooting and makes the plant more susceptible to drought conditions.


Shrubs require proper nourishment to grow and thrive. Fertilizing your shrubs a few times a year provides them with the nutrients they need to bloom and grow. In Florida, the soil can be deficient in certain nutrients, so it’s essential to choose a fertilizer with the right combination of elements tailored to your shrub species.

The best way to ensure your shrubs are getting the nutrients they need is by partnering with shrub care experts like the team at Service Choice of West Palm Beach. We provide the right fertilizer at the right times, priming your beautiful plants for healthy growth.

Pest Control

Florida is home to a wide variety of pests that can damage shrubs, from whiteflies to scales, spider mites, and other insects. If left unchecked, these pests can cause severe damage and even kill your shrubs, so it’s essential to be proactive about pest control. Service Choice of West Palm Beach includes pest control with our shrub care service, so you won’t have to worry about nuisance pests ruining all the hard work you’ve put into your landscape.


Florida’s heat can be challenging for shrubs, but it’s not the only climate factor that affects them. Another vital factor is temperature fluctuation. During winter, freezes can harm shrubs, especially if they have not been acclimated to lower temperatures.

During summer, extreme heat and sun exposure can also damage shrubs. Be sure to protect your shrubs from temperature fluctuations by applying mulch, providing shade, or covering the plant during cold spells.

We Keep Your Shrubs Looking Their Best

Shrubs are easy to take care of, but it takes a little work to keep them healthy. Service Choice of West Palm Beach knows what it takes to keep your beautiful plants in perfect health, so they add beauty and value to your landscape for years to come. Call us today at (561) 734-9269 to schedule your free shrub care evaluation!